Lilly Cottage

Lilly Cottage is a shop full of all the things that make a house a home, a shabby, French, romantic, rosey , beachy, country home that is . A lot of our stock is handmade by myself and other local is fabulous fun! Kiss Noises Linda

Lilly Cottage no longer has a bricks and mortar shop, however we will be do a few pop up shops throughout the year if you would like to join our mailing list.
We also do markets and fairs around South East Qld ( only the best ones mind you lol) You can find us at THE HANDMADE EXPO at Morayfield on the 1st Sunday of the month, Redlands on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
Our stock is also at MIMMIS at Forest Hill between Gatton and Laidly.
The Handmade Cottage at Mr Tamborine.
You can see my adventures and creations in progress at my blog
Have a truly scrumptious day, Kiss Noises Linda
